The latest exciting addition to our team is a Kiwi Arena Rake - after spending many
over the last year on my arena drainage, surface and most recently irrigation, this handy tool is going to be the icing on the cake!!! I’ve only used it once but it did an awesome job of fluffing up my compacted, much-used surface - I’m thrilled.

Love my new toy, it does such a good job on the arena and so easy to use. With their support of Dressage NZ, this season and therefore all of us dressage competitors, Kiwi Arena Rake was my only choice of arena groomer.
Jeanette Benzie Dressage
I was expecting to be happy with my new Kiwi Arena Rake but I’m absolutely blown away by the job it’s just done on my arena it’s beautifully levelled and fluffed up the surface far beyond my expectations!
Jess Land Equestrian
Thanks for the delivery of our rake, Steve didn't really think we needed one but I purchased anyway and has he changed his mind 😃 My arena and round yard now look amazing, it does a great job of smoothing off all the lumps and bumps and leaves a smooth fluffy surface that my horse loves and I'm sure will help to keep them sound and happy. So easy to use and so functional. If your not sure if you really need one, YOU do, with one uses my surface has improved tenfold. Thanks Kiwi Arena Rakes it is amazing and affordable, and well worth the money.
Angela McLennan , McLennan Equine, Canterbury
We love our Kiwi Arena Rake! Our arena has a washed crusher dust surface and the Kiwi Arena Rake does a great job of levelling the arena and removing all the tracks. It is very simple to set up and easy to use. Makes it easy to whizz around after every couple of rides to keep the arena surface looking mint. The surface looks fantastic once it has been groomed.
Tracie B